Humboldt Prize

The Humboldt Prize, also known as the Humboldt Research Award, is an award given by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to internationally renowned scientists and scholars, and is currently valued at € 60,000 with the possibility of further support during the prize winner's life.[1][2] Up to one hundred such awards are granted each year. Nominations must be submitted by established academics in Germany.

The award is named after the late Prussian naturalist and explorer Alexander von Humboldt.


Past winners

Günter Blobel, Serge Daan, Daniel Gianola, Hendrikus Granzier, Bert Hölldobler, Sergej Nedospasov, Hans Othmer, Thomas Dyer Seeley, Günter P. Wagner, and Rüdiger Wehner.
Anthony J. Arduengo III, Paul Josef Crutzen, Robert F. Curl, John Bennett Fenn, Walter Gilbert, Robert H. Grubbs, Narayan Hosmane, Jean-Marie Lehn, Rudolph Marcus, James Cullen Martin, Debashis Mukherjee, John Anthony Pople, Julius Rebek, Richard R. Schrock, Peter Schwerdtfeger, Oktay Sinanoğlu, Keisuke Suzuki, Thomas Zemb, and Ahmed H. Zewail.
Computer Science
Michael Fellows, Leonid Levin
Gerard Debreu, Hal Varian, Ronald Shephard
Matthew S. Dryer
Timothy M. Devinney

Dmitri Anosov, Spencer J. Bloch, Victor Guillemin, Toshiyuki Kobayashi, Robert Langlands, Benoît Mandelbrot, Arnold Mandell, Grigory Margulis, Curtis T. McMullen, Alexander Merkurjev, John Milnor, Teimuraz Pirashvili, Shayle R. Searle, Elias M. Stein, Anatoly Vershik, Ernest Borisovich Vinberg Shing-Tung Yau, and Marc Yor.

Fritz Albert Lipmann, Stanley B. Prusiner
Colin Allen, Panagiotis Kondylis, Michael Friedman, Jeff Malpas, John Perry, R. Jay Wallace.

Girish Agarwal, Nicolaas Bloembergen, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, Steven Chu, Predrag Cvitanović, Hans Dehmelt, Durmus A. Demir, Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, Roy J. Glauber, Chris Greene, John L. Hall, Theodor W. Hänsch, Robert Hofstadter, Kyozi Kawasaki, Jihn E. Kim, Masatoshi Koshiba, Herbert Kroemer, Jagdish Mehra, Rabindra Mohapatra, Pran Nath, Holger Bech Nielsen, Hirosi Ooguri, Valery Pokrovsky, Alfred Saupe, Arthur L. Schawlow, Julian Schwinger, Clifford G. Shull, Ching W. Tang. and M. Suhail Zubairy

See also


External links